However, the following post is totally pointless.
Hey guys!
I just wanted to do an english post
Actually I really like this language and I think it's fairly easy to speak/write english. Probably there'll be 100000 mistakes in this post
Well, I'm going to do the Certificate of Cambridge and I don't want to show off with it, but...
...I don't know how to end this sentence.
The point is, that I'll have my oral exam today and I don't know what to do until then. Of course I could try to improve my english and practise a bit, but I think that would not be the best solution. I would get nervous, although the oral exam is fairly easy as far as I know. You just have to talk about a picture for a minute and they ask you a few questions about yourself. I'm not sure if they are strict and count every grammar mistake or if they simply want to check your ability to talk a bit. However, I'm quite sure the oral exam is no big deal. It only lasts 20 minutes, but I decided to stay at home the whole day. This might sound like cutting classes, but this week we have a gymnastics week at the "Attersee" anyway, so I won't miss anything important. The exam starts at 16.05 and my classmates arrive at home at the same time, so staying at home the wohle day is actually the best solution. I really don't want to miss the exam or come too late, because it was VERY expensive. Ok, I just told you all this stuff, but what shall I do now? I'm quite bored... mhm... I think I'll read trough this once more, watch a few youtube videos, get something to eat and then just realax. Yeah, that sounds quite good
Maybe I should do something more important... I quess there's a lot of stuff to do for school... and I quess there are many better ways to spend my time than doing that... Ok, let's be realistic
Still, I like english and I should probably practise now. I'm not sure what I'll do instead of it, but I think being lazy and wasting my time sounds quite good
Sometimes I'm really happy nobody is going to read all this nonsense. Ok, nearly everybody on earth could read it, but in fact there is nobody reading it. That's good, because nobody will write, that my english is quite normal and I'm not going to pass the exam. If I were u, I'd choose the username "nobody" and write a comment saying "your english is quite normal and you're not going to pass the exam". OMG sometimes I'm just sooooo stupid
with a lovely greet
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